Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tap tap tap...is this thing on?

Attendance seems to be dropping off...

Anyhoo, it seems the mostly beer diet of DragonCon was not a bad thing. At weigh-in today, I had lost 3.8 lbs over the past two weeks, for a total of 30. Exercise was sporadic this week, but I did get my 15 minutes in for a few days at least.


Michele said...

Congrats on the weight loss! I have managed to stay at the same weight for the last two weeks. That's not a bad thing, I'm happy with where I am right now. Now, will we hear from anyone else?

Kristi said...

Well, I gained about 5 lbs. in Atlanta, and have lost 2. Not spectacular results, but better than nothing. I always struggle so hard to eat well; I find it doubly hard after a vacation.

Congrats, again, Mary! You're an example to us all. :)